David Llewelyn Darkin


14th July 2018

This week, architects from across Wales travelled to the Mid-Wales Arts Centre for their annual general meeting.

The Mid-Wales Arts Centre in Caersws was an interesting venue that provided a tranquil setting for not only the annual general meeting, but also an informative talk from Architype and a Council Meeting.

The AGM confirmed that our current President, Carolyn Merrifield will be succeded by Ryan Stuckey of Alan Stuckey architects and lecturer at UWTSD. The group also confirmed that the RSAW would further develop our policy forum and re-itterated the need for the RSAW to provide and informed opinion, representing architects on policy matters in Wales. This is of escalating importance as Wales continues to have more say over matters of Planning and Building Regulations policy and other matters affecting the built environment.

As Chair of the West Wales Branch, I reported on our continuing efforts to promote architecture in our region, in particular the importance of using an RIBA architect. I also relayed the development of our shared CPD programme and the discussions which had taken place with Chwarae Teg regarding promoting the study of architecture by young women.

The highlight of the day came from Lee Fordham of Architype who provided the group with an excellent talk on the history of Architype and the evolution of their architectural philosophy of PassivHaus and sustainable design.